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  • Photo du rédacteurRaphaëlle



SACRAL CHAKRA (2nd chakra)

Color : Orange

Sanskrit : Svadhisthana

Role : Creativity - Passion - Fulfillment

Located at the level of the belly bottom, the sacral chakra is the second of the 7 main chakras. It is in this chakra that we draw the INNER STRENGTH necessary to recover from the difficulties that life brings us. It is from it that our ''sacred fire'' emanates: it is the seat of sexual energies, PASSION, CREATIVITY and willpower.


When balanced, the sacral chakra is a powerful energy THROWER. It provides the motivation necessary to adapt to change, improve, grow, flourish and brings a deep desire to emancipate oneself. When open and balanced, the sacral chakra pushes us towards adventure and helps us overcome our own limits. Indeed, a person whose sacral chakra is balanced often has a lively and inquisitive mind and will not be afraid to put their thoughts into action.

On a physical level Energetically speaking, it is the sacral chakra that governs the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM and the eliminatory organs.

''When we say that the digestive system is the center of emotions, I immediately see a correlation with the sacral chakra since it precisely balances the two. This is no coincidence. ''

On an emotional and spiritual level

Indeed, one of the important tasks of the sacral chakra is to regulate everything related to EMOTIONS. Thanks to him, we are able to temper our emotions,

It also intervenes in our SOCIAL RELATIONS. When this chakra is balanced, it brings a sense of unity, the desire to be part of a group and to bond with significant people. It has a great influence on the relationships we have with others, our family in particular.


Sexual problems (too low or too active), eating disorders, fear of intimacy, conflicted relationships (family, friends, work, romantic relationships) or, on the opposite, a lack of deep involvement in relationships; it all stems from an imbalance of the sacral chakra.

An unbalanced sacral chakra can lead to conflicted relationships, social anxiety, jealousy, the desire to manipulate or control others... A lot of problems regarding emotions that are poorly managed and our relationship to the other.


  • Let your CREATIVITY express itself in small and large projects

  • Give free rein to your SPONTANEITY!

  • Nurture positive feelings about others

  • Receive a REIKI session

  • Practice healthy sex

  • EAT HEALTHY Prefer organic, clean fruits and vegetables to remove pesticides, eat in accordance with your metabolism and its specific needs, without going overboard

  • Practice fasting when you feel the need

It is IMPORTANT to inform yourself adequately before starting a complete or partial fast, especially if you have never done one before.

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